AssetWise CONNECT Edition Help

To Configure a Responsibility Matrix File

AssetWise CONNECT Edition ALIM allows one or more Excel files to be included, to generate a responsibility matrix. Since each import file may have different formatting, you must first map the information from the Excel import file, to instruct AssetWise CONNECT Edition which information to include and where it resides within the Excel import file, so that the responsibility matrix can be generated.

Below is an example of how the contents of an Excel import file was mapped to the responsibility matrix:

Follow these steps to configure the responsibility matrix file in AssetWise CONNECT Edition ALIM.

  1. Open the Responsibility Matrix page for which you want to configure the responsibility matrix file.
  2. Select the Matrix file configuration tab.
  3. Accept or edit the Description.
  4. In the Configuration topic, enter the following required information:
    1. Enter the File name of the previously uploaded Excel workbook that contains the data for the responsibility matrix
    2. In the Sheet name box, enter the name of the worksheet within the Excel import file, that contains the data for the responsibility matrix.
    3. In the Start row box, enter the starting row number of the data within the Excel import file, that you want to import.
    4. In the Start column box, enter the starting column of the data within the Excel import file, that you want to import.
    For example,
  5. In the Levels topic, do the following:
    1. Select the number of Levels that are to be included in the matrix.
    2. For each level, enter the exact column name as it appears in the worksheet, in the appropriate Level box.
    For example,
The responsibility matrix mapping process is complete. You may now Process the matrix.